Modern Aristotle


Just a small note on Hawkings latest statement about G-d's involvement in creation (or lack thereof.) It would seem that his opinion is similar to Aristotle in קדמות העולם (primordal existance of matter/the world.) He simply replaces the קדמות הבורא  (primordal existance of the creator) with the laws of gravity. The concentrated form of matter that existed, in whatever form it did, before expression of time and space etc that was caused by the 'big bang' is simply another way of expressing קדמות העולם. There is no way of separating it's 'cause' as a תנועה (movement.) If it is causal it must have a  תנועה itself. If it has a תנועה itself, it must have a primal first 'cause', קדמות הבורא.

Something must have caused the laws of physics/gravity themselves to be in there present form. What forces us to say that the laws are absolute? The laws of gravity can not replace the  קדמות הבורא that must be there according to Aristotle (even.) It is simply a further expression of קדמות העולם.

The presumptuousness is evident in the fact that there the Higgs boson the dictates mass has not been found yet, nor has the dark energy/matter matched the big bang theory yet. With so many unknowns and unprovens how can he even assume that the laws of physics are so static?

 קדמות העולם has been disproved by the רמב''ם (Maimonides) in  מורה נבוכים (guide to the perplexed) at length.

It is obvious that Hawkings הממרה כמו אריסתו is coming at this not from proven philosophical points but from a purely scientific perspective.

These statements are evident from the assumptions one must make to state that the 'laws' of something are


Further quotes concerning natural laws as a created entity:

’הטבע אומר במנהג, והתורה אומרת בשׁנוי המנהג, וההפקה ביניהם כי המנהגים שׁנשׁתנו הם בטבע, מפני שׁהיו בחפץ הקדמון מתנה בהם ומוסכם עליהם משׁשׁת ימי בראשׁית.'
–הכוזרי מאמר שלישי פרק עג

"Nature conducts itself through a set custom while the Torah breaks that custom. What draws between the two is that the customs that were broken are in nature, since they were in the primordial will, stipulated in them and agreed upon since the six days of creation."
-The Kuzari - part 3, chapter 73

"כִּי הוּא צִוָּה וְנִבְרָאוּ. וַיַּעֲמִידֵם לָעַד לְעוֹלָם; חָק-נָתַן, וְלֹא יַעֲבוֹר. וירצה לומר כי אלה החוקים אשׁר נתן לא ישׁתנו לעד, כי מלת ’ חָק-נָתַן' הוא רמז לחקות שמים וארץ הנזכרים קודם זה, אבל הודיע כי הם נבראים"
-מורה נבוכים חלק שני פרק כט

"-'for he comanded and they were created. And he stood them up forever; gave a statute, and it can not be transgressed.' What is intended by this is that these 'statutes' that he gave will never change, for the words 'gave a statute' is a reference to the (natural) laws of heaven and earth that are referred to earlier in verse. However, he makes it known that they are created (entities.)
-Guide to the perplexed, part 2, chapter 29


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