Wrath poured forth upon on your precious broken vessels


If קדב''ה is משתמש במאנין תבירין (the holy one blessed be he uses broken vessels - for example, a person with a broken heart, a pauper whom you give tzedaka to etc) why does it say that a broken vessel refers to the klipa by the hagada when we pour out the wine "סוד הקליפה הנקראת ארור?"

Perhaps, if you look at the big picture, the shviras ha'kelim itself, that created the klipos, are the broken vessels that the holy one blessed be uses. One the one hand it is a source of G-dly "wrath" to pour wine into, while on the other, a dear dear thing to G-d that fulfills the purpose of creation, like giving charity to a pauper.Or, one could say that the unfair difficulties a person finds oneself in are the poured "wrath," while the humble state it causes is to be pitied and/or serve as a positive exemplar. Think, a young orphan whose parents were sentenced to death for murder. The wrath was poured out on the parents while the child remains a broken vessel with all his potential good intact.


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