Mordechai's garment as the Kadosh that will be said in front of the tzadikim


[Free translation]
..."In the future the malachim - angels will say 'kadosh' - 'holy' in front of the tzadikim - righteous [just as we say in front of Hakadash Baruch hu." (ב''ב ע''ה ב)

"This is at first glance a wondrous statement. How can tzadikim be compared to the essence of the divine to say "kadosh" in front of them? However, [the concept is that] it is known that 'kadosh' with a 'vov' is a concept of hamshacha - a small divine flow from the supernal  level of 'kodesh' [without a vov] from the hidden state of the essence to a small revealed state. This is like the concept of "levush malchut" - the garment of king that the king wore and the horse that the king rode upon etc. Refering, on a higher level, to the "levushei yakar d'kdushat ha'atzmut" - 'the garments of honor of the holiness of the essence of the divine' that are placed as garments for the neshamos - souls of the tzadikim in Torah and Mitzvot in this world. Since "chafetz ba'hem ha'melech" - the king desires in to do to them [to give to them] from his 'yekaro' - honor. Like we say, "asher kideshanu" - you have made us holy. Therefore the malachim will say kadosh in front of them; they will place the garments of 'yakar ha'elyon' -supernal honor of Torah U'mitzvot [on the neshamot]. Just as the king commands to his ministers to give honor to someone that he is 'chafetz be'yikaro', when they bring a garment of kingship etc [and place it on them.] As it states, "…and you should give the garment and horse to the hand of one of the kings important ministers ['Ish, ze Michael kahana raba'] specifically. So too le'atid lavo - in the time to come the malachim will say in front of the tzadikim 'kadosh' …just as the minister should proclaim: "kacha ya'ase le'ish asher ha'melech chafetz be'yekaro'  - "this should be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor.

-Mittler Rebbe Sharei Orah Ve'kibel Hayehudim Perek 15-16


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