The concept of the two חיטין - "stalks of wheat" in the back of the throat.

Just as there are (13 parts to the "beard" of Arich - יג׳ תיקוני דיקנא דאריך) and 7 spiritual components of the "head" of Chochma - ז׳ תיקונין דרישא דחכמה, so too there are 7 parts of the "throat" of Binah - ז׳ אברים בגרון דבינה. From the throat comes out 7 "breaths" - ז׳ הבלים mentioned in Koheles - קהלת. From these 7 "breaths" come out 7 "voices" - ז׳ קולות.

This is the concept of קנה חכמה קנה בינה - "kaneh" being the windpipe and drawing down the Chochma and Binah to that level.

At this juncture of concepts lies the 22 letters of the alphabet - א׳ב׳ "wheat" is gimatria 22 - חטה. The five parts of the mouth - ה׳ מוצאות הפה - correspond to the five types of grain  - ה׳ מיני דגן and the two "stalks" in the throat correspond to the big letters and small letters in the Torah- אתוון רברבן ואתוון זעירן. This is hinted to by yhe verse, "from the מיצר - the back of the throat, I called yud-key." The letters yud-key of Hashem's name corresponding to Chochma and Binah, the voice of Yakov who was born together with Eisav - the chaff or straw (בית עשו לקש). However, just as it's impossible to live under the same roof as a snake, you must get rid of the chaff from the grain. Thus, as the wind blows away the chaff כמוץ אשר תדפנו רוח, the bad voice is expelled from the breath. What is left is the choicest of the wheat (plural) will sate you - חלב חטים ישביעך - since the voice, as expressed from the תרין חיטין is now clean and clear of the chaff.

שערי גן עדן סוד חטה דף 161


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