All whose good deeds outweigh their wisdom

כל שמעשיו מרובין מחכמתו, חכמתו מתקיימת

All whose good deeds outweigh their wisdom, their wisdom stands strong.

This is connected to the concept of נצח, overcoming.

This means that, for example, when there is a poor person that does not deserve charity you give to them anyway. You do not know why or have a rationale for why you did it.

This works the other way as well, if you sin even though you know it is wrong. You do it anyway without rational explanation.

This is like Amalek, who knew all the miracles of Egypt yet rebelled. For this reason, Shmuel, who stated, "נצח ישראל לא ישקר", the victory of Israel does not lie, was the one to kill Agag.

So this is what it means that your deeds are greater than your wisdom, that your good deeds are done even when they defy your reason.

ממאמרי אדמו''ר האמצעי מסעי


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