On the Yesod Ha'esh


According to the Rambam, below the orbit of the moon begins the yesod Ha’esh and explains that the atmosphere is not fire because it is a fundamental element and not a composed existence like the fire we see down here.

Here is a recent discovery that seems to confirm the intense heat of the particles that exist below the moon’s orbit. For reference, the moon is about 350,000 kilometers away.

conscerning ‘cold plasma ion distribution’ in the upper atmosphere which makes up, “At the edge, the amount of cold ions varies between 50 to 70%… making up most of the mass of space.”

“According to the research satellite data and calculations, certain high-altitude zones harbor low-energy ions continuously. As far fetched as it may sound, the team has also detected them at altitudes of 100,000 km! According to Andre, discovering so many relatively cool ions in these regions is surprising because there’s so much energy hitting the Earth’s high altitudes from the solar wind – a hot plasma about 1,000 times hotter than what Andre considers cold. Just how cold? “The low-energy ions have an energy that would correspond to about 500,000 degrees Celsius (about one million degrees Fahrenheit) at typical gas densities found on Earth. But because the density of the ions in space is so low, satellites and spacecraft can orbit without bursting into flames.”



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