The concept of כל השונה הלכות - any who study the Halachos uses the language of שונה, to "double," as in the story of Eliyahu Hanavi on mount Carmel when he says to pour water on the sacrifice before the flame comes down from the heavens to consume it, it uses the language וישנו, that they poured a second time. This is equated with שתים מקרא  ואחד תרגום - however we must "double" our Torah study and read each Torah portion twice (and a third time with the Targum translation, perhaps hinted to by the third time they poured the water by Eliyahu, וישלשו. The water in the story is certainly compared to Torah, as in the verse about Elisha, Eliyahu's student אשר יצק מים על ידי אליהו - who "poured water" on the hands of Eliyahu).

The concept of "doubling" our Torah study is as in the statement of our sages on the verse, הליכות עולם לו - the "paths" of the world our his, אל תקרי הליכות אלא הלכות - do not read it paths "halichos", rather, read it "halachos", laws. There are two parths in Torah, one from above to below and one from below to above.

Thus, our sages said that after the destruction of the temple Hakadosh Baruch Hu only has the "four amos" of halacha. That the "movement/travel" is confined to the "personal space" of the divine four amos, the four letters of Hashem's name.

Ohr Hatorah, Venosati Lecha Mehalchim


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