The upper firmament and the waters below will unite in the time to come. The verse כמים לים מכסים - "like waters cover the sea" refers to the waters above that will be able to truly cover the waters of the sea below. Not like now when it states, כל הנחלים הולכים אל הים והים איננו מלא -"all the rivers flow into the sea, but the sea is never filled."

The land, however, is on even higher level than this sea, since it states ארץ לא שבעה מים - "the earth is not sated by water." (לרוקע הארץ על המים - the earth was placed atop the waters...)

This is the meaning of לא בשמים היא ... ולא מעבר חים - the Torah "is not in the heavens... and not across the sea." Rather, to do in the land (לעשות בארץ).

Mittler Rebbe, Mamarim Kuntresim,

להבין ענין שעתיד משיח לאתבא צדיקיא בתיובתא


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