kindness before strictness

During the day, kindesses come down before strictness, first 4 hours are of Torah, then 3 hours of sustaining things with gevurah (also 3 hours of judgment). At night, it is the opposite. There are gevurot until chatzot, and then chassadim afterwards.

Amal Torah, when you learn Torah Shebeal pe specifically at night time, which is also compared to galut. The hard work of chomer u'leveinim (kal ve'chomer libun hilchata) This changes the night to 'layla ha'ze' of yetziat metzrayim, like 'va'ya'er et halayla.

The other way to change darkness to light is amal sicha. This refers to tefilah, calling out to hashem from the actual physical avoda kasha and tirdot ha'parnasa or any other tzar. In this vein, Hashem answers you in the difficulties you are in.

There is also another type of calling out to Hashem, like a child to a father. This is where the father or mother has mercy on the child, not because of the pain they are in, but simply because they are a child who doesn't understand. Like in the decree of Haman it says, ma kol gedaya? 'what are the voices of these 'kids'?' (like the sound of the shofar.) Like the child who has simple belief that their parent will help them, so Hashem helps them.

-Biur va'tosef Esther


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