It is impossible to have a proper Torah Perspective without learning Chabad Chassidic Thought! Stew in it. Walk through the world under its cloud of glory. Prism all the parts of the Torah under its discerning lens.
Two ways
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Kol ha'mekabel alav ol Torah, porkin mimenu ol derech eretz.
There are two ways to change the darkness to light. You can either fullfil it through spiritual avoda effort or physical effort.
ב''ה The reason that an אונן who lost their mother or father is not obligated in מצות until they are buried is that the child has a little of the the soul of their parents in them. When the parent dies a part of the child also dies. When a person is dead, they are free from מצות, 'במתים חפשי'. Similarly, when an animal loses its parent it is part dead, treifa, therefore it is forbidden to slaughter it the same day as its mother. It would not be a kosher Shechita. From תפארת יונתן פ' אמור
'Ein bal ha'nes makir be'niso' means, not that you do not recognize the miracles going on. Rather, it means that you do not know what you did to deserve the miracles that happen to you. Usually, divine response is reciprocal. However, Hashem also gives constantly even if you did not call to him. This is because of 'Ani Yeshena ve'libi er' - Hashem's 'heart' is awake even though he is, so to spe ak, 'asleep' in the exile. This is the concept of Hashem answering you before you ask - 'terem yikre'u ani e'e'ne.' -Mittler Rebbe Perhaps this is parralleled in the pasuk 'nidrashit le'lo sha'alu, nimtzeti le'lo bikshuni, amarti, heneni, hineni el goy lo korah be'shmi' - I am in answer to those who did not ask for me, found by those who did not search for me, I say, "Here I am! Here I am" to a nation who does not even call in my name.' (Yishaya 65:1)
The 16 different expressions of forgiveness, extended explanation. Translation by Rabbi Mendy Greenstein Kapara - atonement, “atone for your nation Israel. כפרה - כפר לעמך ישראל . When you are in debt to get forgiven for it you need to give a כופר נפש , a payment of your soul. This is judgment that descends upon you and a difficulty you go through in order to atone. A direct exchange for atonement all at once. Thus, on Yom “Kippurim” we ask for complete forgiveness in the merit the five עינוים afflictions we subject ourselves to. Slicha - forgiveness, by the golden calf, “and Hashem says, I have forgiven, as you said” סליחה - ויאמר ה׳ סלחתי כדבריך . The idea is forgiveness for now, but the punishment is still in the wings and has not gone away. Even if there is punishment for now, to affect the forgiveness, it is not over. Just as by the golden calf it states וביום פוקדי ופקדתי , “on the day I remember (to punish you for a sin) I remember (to pu...
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