Fulminology in the year 1713
In his efforts to explain how Torah views are absolute truth were as philosopy and science is only in the realm of the possible the כוזרי שני bring four opinions as to how lighting forms. As I was reading the theories I figured I would do a quick look up on wikipedia to see if the issue was resolved yet. I was surprised to find that it had not! As a nice coinsidence, there were also four theories mentioned in the wikipedia article. I thought I would share with you the four from כוזרי שני as well as the 4 mentioned in Wikipedia. Short hand from כוזרי שני: 1)Aristotle:Warm, thick steam rises from the earth very quickly and pushes the cloud from all sides. They try to escape from inside the cloud since the cloud is cold and wet while the steam is hot and dry. Because when it finaly escapes, it flames up, ripping through the cloud. This is when you see the lightning and hear the thunder. 2)Katisiv (descartes):The lightning is made out of steam from nitro(glycerin) and sulfur that...