
Showing posts from March, 2012

Cooking is the way to go

ב''ה ויזד יעקב נזיד– Yaakov cooked a stew. The reason he started cooking may have been the success he saw that Esav had with serving food to his father Yitzack, כי ציד בפיו, to win him over. Yakov figured cooking was the way to go if you wanted to win someone over. אור החיים הקדושׁ פרשת תולדות

from אור החיים הקדוש פרשת כי תשא

ב''ה ושמרתם את השבת –read: and you should 'await' with longing' the shabbat, as Rashi explains the meaning of  the pasuk ואביו שמר את הדבר. - "and his father awaiting with longing for it [for Yosef's dream to materialize]. לעשות את השבת – We await the Shabbat in order to fulfil the mitzvah, not so we can just rest. That is why it says לעשות – to make.