Sofer Sefer and Sipur - Ayeh

Sofer Sefer and Sipur correspond with Divrei sofrim, torah shebechtav and torah shebal pe.
Ayeh sofer refers to how divrei sofrim are higher than torah shebechtav and torah shebal pe. 
Yud - chochma - torah shebechtav. Hey - binah torah shebal pe. 
The Alef that comes before them is the divrei sofrim.
The three Ayeh in the pasuk 'Ayeh Sofer Ayeh Shokel Ayeh Sofer et hamigdalim' are juxtapposed to the the 'Kadosh' of Kedusha.
The 'Kadosh' are on the side of bringing downwards (as apposed to Kodesh which is exalted above, not drawn down). 
The three 'Ayeh', goes higher and more removed upwards with each one, begging further the question 'where' each time on a higher plane.
Just as the yediat hashlila and mitzvot lo ta'se are higher then yediat ha'chiyuv and mitzvot ase, so to the extra stringencies and safe-gaurds
put in place by the divrei sofrim are even higher than the mitzvot lo Tase.
-Mittler Rebbe - Libcha Ye'hege Eyma


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