Sunday and Monday as Chochma and Binah

The days of the week while usually described as corresponding to the midot: chesed, gevurah etc. Can also be described as the first day, ohr,  being Chochma and 
the second day, rakia - division of the fimament - being Binah.
-Mittler Rebbe

Taking this further we might say that the creation of the trees (including etz hadat) corresponds with da'at. 
The luminaries on the fourth day would correspond with chesed.
The fish birds and crawling things correspond with gevurah. 
The birds going upwards might be ha'la of gevurah while the fish in there hidden state, corresponding to the aspect of gevurah that conceals the higher from the lower etc.
Friday would be tifferet with the creation of animals and man - 'ke'tiferet adam' perhaps.
Shabbat might still correspond to Malchut in this context since the previous three days 'chagat' are a concept that can stand on its own and are the main 'body' of partzuf of Zeir.


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