The mayla Devarim Betelim

While pleasure may be revealed in the more meaningfull things, the highest level of simcha from a new thing is revealed specificly in the most external things and in the 'devarim beteylim' - meaningless things.
This is why we brought sacrifices for the nations during all of sukkot even though it is officialy 'zman simchatenu' - the time of our joy, not the time of joy for the nations.
It is specificaly in our involvement/interaction with the most external things that the simcha is revealed.
-Mittler Rebbe

Perhaps we can learn from this that at a simcha, while the actual event brings the deep tanug - pleasure,
the simcha - the highest level of joy at the simcha - is revealed mainly by going around chatting with people about the mundane, dancing and other seeming trivialities.

This is the first time I have seen an explanation of a 'mayla' ascribed to 'devarim beteylim'


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