Vision as a pole Yotze 1

When you see something you are not only affected by what you see. Rather, and mainly, you affect outward, the things that you view. 

This is the difference between vision and hearing. Hearing receives from outside you while sight affects outward.

Moshe wanted to see the land of Israel in order to affect it. Just as Hashem had shown him divine inspiration, he wanted to infuse the land of Israel with it.

Hashem said to him, you can see it from afar. He was therefore only able to affect it in makif; in an encompassing, hidden way.
-The Mittler Rebbe

We can learn from this that everything we look at has an affect. We envigorate everything we gaze at. If we look at something close up, we affect it more deeply than looking at it far away. It is our job to actively add life to the world through the things we look at just as we affect the world through fulfillment of the Torah's commandments.

Thus the Shulchan Aruch Ha'Rav says that when we look at the Torah as it is lifted up, if you can see the letters it is a tremendous revelation of light. Yes, the Shulchan Aruch says this.

The things we gaze at need to be a proper receptacle. Had Moshe only gazed at the other side of the Jordan it would not have had effect.

When we gaze at the Shabbat Candles, we give life. When we gaze at the Tzitit, the mezuzah, we give life. When we gaze at Teffilin we give life. Someone once saw the Tzemach Tzedek in his study simply holding his teffiling and gazing at them intently.

We we gaze, unfortunately, at negative things, we may be giving a life to those things as well. This is part of our cheshbon Ha'nefesh.

When we tell Hashem, 'Ha'bita u're'e et cherpatenu'. If Hashem's gazing at our embarrassment did not accomplish somthing, it would serve no purpose. Rather, it softens as Hashem Gazes and is a conduit for divine action to remove us from it.

According to this concept you can understand how, according to chazal, the Bat-ha'yaana birds cohabit and impregnate simply by gazing at each other deeply, and why this is a component of any deeply loving relationship.


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