Sound Awakens Intent

Sound awakens intent
The concept of 'Kol me'orer ha'kavana' - 'sound arouses inner intention' is not necessarily the human voice.
That is, since the human voice is created from the breath in the heart, there would already have to be intention in the heart to create the sound of the voice.
However, that is not what it says, rather, sound awakes the intent implies that the sound comes first, before any intent.
It is for this reason that there is no differnce between the sound of voice and the sound of notes on a musical instument when serving Hashem.
(Since, according to this, it does not matter whether or not the music is coming from a voice,
perhaps that is why the Mittler Rebbe did not compose sung niggunim himself, but rather had a 'kapelia' band play for him.)
The kavana of 'Halelu Ke-l be'kodsho' is to awaken the simcha above with the 10 types of musical intstuments.
The music in order to draw down from the hidden level of 'chedva be'mekomo' before the tzimtzum to the simcha within creation ('yismach Hashem be'maysav - Hashem rejoices in his creations).
There are diffent hitkalelut of midot -attributes within simcha - joy, just as there are in the hitkalelut -mix-and-match inclusions of the 10 sefirot.
Dovid Hamelech was 'yodeah nagen' - he knew how to play the instrument, meaning, he could awaken from above any type of arousal from above in any comination of midot - attributes through his playing.
There are sad songs that are internaly happy, like those of the Yishme'elim and there are happy songs that are internally sad, like those of the Yavanim. (The difference between Western and Middle-eastern music perhaps...)
-Mittler Rebbe


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