Dark and light hair

Hair that is 'ke'amar nekei' - like clean wool is on the side of chesed - kindness while - taltalim schorot ke'orev - locks dark like a raven is gevurah - strictness.
The white (yeriot Shlomo) corresponds to mizvot as'e -positive commandments while the dark corresponds to the mitzvot lo-tase - negative commandments.
Its compared to a raven, even though they are achzari - cruel, because the it is only with shlila and harchakos - pushing away the bad that you get closer to the atzmiut - essence. 
Like a king who does not pay attention to even the things he likes, but you will catch his attention with something that he hates. The shlila - negative touches closer.

'ohr chadash al tzion tapir' - 'a new light on tzion will shine' refers to the chesed lifnei hatzimtzum being me'ir onto the chakika of tehira ila - 'yud de'sag' - in the lashon of the Emek Hamelech.

K'e'aholei Kedar' - 'tents of Kedar' refers to the yenika - nurturing of klipa - shell-like covering from the or makif - encompassing light. However, the 'tents of the kedar' implys that they themselves are the makif, not just that they receive from it.
This is compared to the klipa - peel that comes befor the pro - fruit or the shlia that sourounds a baby. 
Yishmael came out from Avraham before for this reason before Yitzchok. Ke'aholei kedar refers to Yishmael. The red dinim - judgments of Eisav are a similar concept.
Eisav came out before Yakov for this is reason and for this reason he was covered with hair which is like the hamshacha - drawing down of the ohr makif that can only come down like hairs.

The concept of Ke'aholei Kedar refers is like yeriot Shlomo because the whitness of Yeriot Shlomo refers to the source of all whiteness, not whiteness itself. This level is an opaque whiteness which can be equated with the darkness of aholei Kedar before the tzimtzum. The 'whiteness' before the tzimtzum corresponds with 'Lavan'. Kissing his sons and daughters refers to the giluy of the 'levanonis' - 'whiteness'  of into the partzufei Atz' until the shvatim as they are in Briah. 'Levanon' refers to a higher level than this, the source of white, beyond white, with two 'nunns' as a double measure, one a nun peshuta to draw it down.
-Mittler Rebbe


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