The concept behind the staccato aspect of tears and laughter

"Hariu La'Hashem Kol Ha'aretz" - the whole earth should sound a 'teru'a' for Hashem. This first letters in this pasuk are an acrynom for "Halacha"
The teru'a of the shofar is a voice that comes divided into many parts. 
Both sadness and laghter express themselves in short bursts of voice one right after the other. Both can bring you to tears.
The reason for this is that it is a reveltion from the deepest part of the heart that is too much for you to handle, so it goes away, then attempts to express again, then again.
This is called 'mati ve'lo mati' -extending, then non-extending. This is also the concept of the 'mayim tachtonim bochin' - the waters below are crying to go upward'.

Halacha is the same way, it comes down from so high that it must be broken in to small parts to be revealed.
The pesukim in chumash are even further divided.
-Mittler Rebbe - Mizmor Letoda

The paragraphs of the gemara are longer, perhaps shevarim.
Kabala is perhaps like one lenghty non-stop explanation, perhaps tekia...


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