Mamalacha and Memshala, Shchina and Schinta

Mamalacha and Memshala, Shchina and Schinta
Lecha Hashem Hamamlacha - To you Hashem is kingship refers to Malchut as it is in Atz'.
Ve'ata Moshel Ba'kol - You rule over all refers to Malchut as it is revealed into lower worlds.
3 levels.
Malchut de'ein sof - Asher Malach be'terem kol yetzur nivrah.
Malchut as it is in atz'
Malchut as it is goes down into time
'Hashem malach' - was king in the past tense refers to Malchut before the tzimtzum.
Hashem Melech - is king refers to Malchut as it comes down into zman - time.
This is why women are not obligated in mitzvot she'hazman grama - Mitzovot that are caused by time, because they come from this level. (They are rooted in the cause, so, free from the effect.)
Hashem Yimloch refers to hamshacha - drawing down of higher than time into time, like "(ve'achal) ve'chai le'olam" - eating from the tree (under the domain of 'time') and living forever and David Melech Yisrael Chai ve'kayaim - King David is alive and well etc.
The term 'Shchina' refers to Malchut as it is 'shochen' or 'sho're' dwelling from above to below, from Atz' to BY"A
'Shchinta' refers to Malchut as in "shochnim" yachad - tav lemeitav tan du, two together is better than one, ha'pam yizbeleni ishi - now my husband will join me in Atzilut itself.
This is what is refered to by "leshem Yichud KBH"U uh shchintei" and why shchinta ilah and shichnta tata are concepts in Atz' itself, since both are under the term 'Shchinta'.
-Mittler Rebbe


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