The Tefillin as a slingshot

The 4 batim in the head tefillin and the 1 bayit of the hand teffilin are like the 5 stones that david placed in his slingshot, which is like the straps of the tefillin.
The straps of the hand teffillin are like a chain to tie the S"M compared to a bad dog. 
The straps of the head teffilin are like tying down the horns of a shor mu-ed -goring ox, that the S"M is also compared to.
Shma is compared to a sword with to sharp sides to kill the S"M.
The 248 words of shma are like the Romach when you add a vov (from Hashem's name).
The 5 stones in the slingshot are the hey, that they become one stone is like the yud.
-Hakdamat Tikunei Zohar


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