Diametric source of a son in the father's brain


The son has a perpetual connection to the father that never goes away and he always feels. The son's perpetual connection to the father is rooted in the pnimius - inner aspect of the kli ha'moach - father's brain. The son's ability to be separate from the father, even to the point of rebellion, is rooted in the chitzonius - external aspect of the father's brain.
-Mittler Rebbe

There are a few basic assumptions here:
The brain is the seat of the first internal revelation of the soul into the body.

The creation of a soul is a giving of the fathers essence, not just a small revelation of the soul in the seat of the intellect, like a teaching of a lesson. Rather, it is a giving over of the entire essence as it is revealed in the father's mind. Really it reaches even higher than as it is revealed into the mind.

The physical drop from the father to the mother is first created in the brain and travels down the spine to the testis. Thus the spiritual essence is given through a coarse physical drop. Thus the highest spiritual essence is enclothed in the most physical, connecting the body and soul.

The teaching above answers the question: If the father and son are truly connected in there essence, in what way is the son separate from the father and visa versa? The answer is that as the essense passes through the mind downwards it passes through two 'stages' an internal and external, each one giving a different dynamic to the relationship.


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