Based on the gemara:
Shechem echad, a "united portion", as Efraim and Menashe who brought their offering to the mishkan back to back, on he eighth and ninth day.

"That I took from the Emori with my sword and bow" - with my prayer and supplication. The double edged sword of "praise of Hashem in his mouth", to negate the gift of Eisav, "you will live by the sword." Ba'kasha against "rove kashas" of Yishmael. Supplications to negate the bow of Yishmael, "rove kashas."

Also, based on Rabos Vayishlach:
Shechem, as the first-born rights. "That I took from the Emori" can mean that he "took" from Eisav. With my "sword and bow", meaning Torah and mitzvos" the spiritual "garments" of Adam Harishon that Eisav forfeit.

Also, based on Zohar Lech Lecha:
Shechem, from the language of "Shchina", the divine presence. Yossef merited revelation of the divine presence since he was called a "tzadik".

And this revelation was in:
"Ad Elon Moreh", "moreh" from the language of study hall or the beis hamikdash, since a shul is called a "small mikdash."

Moreh from the language of, "yoreh kecheitz, yesod de'dchura" until Shchem, yesod d'nukva.

Also, based on mefarshei haZohar:
Elonei moreh refers to Hashem. Elonei is the tranlation of "mishor," "straightforward" as Hashem is "good and straightforward." "Moreh," "teacher" as in, "your eyes will gaze upon your teacher."

Shechem from the language of "haskem ve'harev," "be early to rise and rest." Meaning, Yossef is given, first, or preferential treatment. Just as we prefaced "we will do" to "we will listen" and as the Torah is called the "allegorical preface" to creation.

The 18 blessings of Shmone esreh correspond to the 18 parts of the spine, meaning the back, as in the shoulders, the shechem.


From the Alter Rebbe:
You have to chane the "shechem," external concepts, the "backside," to "echad", Hashem's unity. "Be'charbi" prayers of the tzadik. "Be'kashti", the bal teshuva how is drawn back before shooting forward again, like an arrow.

From Ohr Hatorah vayechi mamer ve'ani nosati lecha


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