Sofei tevos "ani ledodi vedodi li" are 4  yods, corresponding with the 40 days Moshe was on har Sinai. This four yods also correspond to the four expressions of awe from the giving of the Torah, "be'emah, be'yirah, beretet ube'zeya". These are the days of Elul and the ten days of teshuvah. All the bread offering with korbans are brought matza, except for the two breads of Shavous, the giving of the Torah, and the last 10 breads of the korban Toda. The 40 breads of the korban Todah correspond with the 30 days of Elul and the 10 days of Teshuvah. On Yom Kippur we received the second luchos. It is with the strength of the giving of the Torah that we can utilize even the chametz within ourselves for divine service.
-from Ohr Hatorah, Matos


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