I will tell you something about teshuvah and emunah , ok it is for my religious view but I think it is also a kind of psychology. If you translate teshuvha in to reflection on your self and emunah to self trusting. So because it is close to Rosh Hashana and the 10 days between them. It means for doing teshuvah there are 4 steps of teshuva which can be collarborate to a lot of self reflection things and methods in psychotherapy (is true I found that out). Ok the 4 steps are. 1. Confession - Telling to Hashem (or to yourself) what you've done wrong. 2. Remorse we should feel sorry for going against Hashem's will. With can be translated something you did in against your will or one other. 3. Commitment: we commit to do our utmost to improve the furture and not to slide back to our old ways. The yetzer hara isn't interested as much in the transgression as he is in the sadness and depression that immobilize a person after the transgression. So the yetzer hara can be translated to a bad thought you always have or an aniexty that immobilize you. Like social aniexty: ''I'm afraid to go outside everyone will laugh at me everyone will make fun of me. I'm afraid people think I'm stupid'' the only worst thing in here is that you don't let yourself give a happy live. The ''bad thought'' is would not care if you go outside or not it is always there but there is something you want to help it out. And start is to turn back to your true self (and in religious way also to Hashem) and what does that true self want in this live? What is live asking for you what makes you important. Because you are for a lot of person. Emunah is like trusting in the hakodesh borechu but before that you also have to trust in yourself (and that is why I secretly put spirituality in to my sessions xD) if you believe in your self you can handle everything. Tbh I'm doubting myself everytime but spirituality keeps me sometimes away from struggeling. Shomer shabbat is like a vacation, praying is mindfulness. And for the other one who doesn't to those things there can be something else they can be joyful in. And sometimes we need to get help. So back to Emunah like I try to strength my Emunah everytime but besides strengthing my emunah I need to strength my self trust aswell. So if you want to get married trust in yourself that you are the perfect man for some girl out there. Because I believe if you trust in yourself you are also trusting in the Hakodesh Borechu because he is a part of ur neshama. So this was my chassidut for today now back to normal daily stuff.
E. G.
I responded 
Very nice. Comparing the soul to higher concepts and learning one from the other is definitely nice chasidus. Especially since the soul is part of Hashem. I kept looking for 4. 馃槉
The question is, what does his insecurity stem from? I like how you used psychology. I f you recognize these ideas as they are fundamentally truths that transend the religious discussion you have enabled a meeting of the minds. From the perspective that he has sinned and therefore should not deserve your prayer to help only his from when viewing it from the perspective of the Neshama. How he views himself, However, I object to his perspective also on the grounds of perspective of how he views Hashem. I do not believe Hashem as an a being of infinite mercy and compassion on all his creations withholds good from someone just because they believe or hav acted a certain way. If we believe Hashem's thoughts are infinite and truly beyond human comprehension then why should we apply our petty notions of reciprocal behavior to him. There is an old saying that you tell an atheist, "The god you don't believe in, I don't believe in either."


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