Tashlich as a carbon sink

Just as carbon generated through the careless and wanton destruction of the planet is this etherial and intangible negative substance, so to our sins leave behind a destructive force that is often hard to see. Just as carbon creates an atmospheric film that effect the way the sunlight shines, so too our sins are compared to a cloud. Just as the ocean are this great carbon sink, a place where this intangible destructive force is sent down to be trapped where it won't do any harm or be apparent above the sea where people live and could be affected by it, so too our sins are cast into the depths where they will not be remembered or affect us negatively. The approach of some is to through "bread" at the problem, acts of charity. While others shake their tzitzis at it, strengthening the observance of mitzvos. 

Careful though, too much carbon and the oceans will turn into seltzer and our sins will bubble up again kill the fish, boil the oceans, like the flood, and ruin the halcyon upper atmosphere of forgiveness.

May Hashem wipe away the cloud of out sins, "machiti ke'av pesha'echa", "I will wipe away your sins like a cloud (of atmospheric carbon)". And  sends our sins down into the carbon sink all the negligence of man, "ve'tashlich be'metzulos yam kol chatosam".


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