Halacha as a defense attorney for the less observant.

"H'ariyu La'Hashem K'ol Ha'aretz", "sing to Hashem all of the earth" has the first letters as the word "Halacha". Meaning, just like in a halachah of the Torah, anything that can be considered pure, is, even if wisdom would seem to dictate otherwise. [As is known to all who delve into the pilpul of the Talmud that the psak can permit and purify, using many explanations, even something that would be fitting to declare impure and forbid.] So too above in divine holiness, someone who is not fitting can be elevated... This is why is states, "kol ha'aretz", "All the earth". The word "all" comes to include all those who would not be elavated without this wisdom. The word "hariyu" is also from the language of "tero'em beshevet barzel", "break them with an iron rod" as well as from the language of a broken staccato cry. Meaning to break the bad and separate it from the good. That from the depth of wisdom you are able to find good also in the apparent bad. So "to break" here is like someone who separates out the inedible part of the food and this, then is its elavation, since the good part is lifted out through this... "Teruah"  reflects this (the positivity found in all) in its meaning as "song." As in "in it is a song (of praise) to the king", "u'tru'as melech bo".

-Bal HaTanya Siddur im dach Mizmor Le'Toda


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