...during neila. It's when malchut (Esther), that is usually hidden, is elevated all the way to the "top of the crown" when we say "Hashem hu ha'E-lokim" 7 times. The hidden feminine aspect is crowned and revealed to all. It's like Purim, after all.

To extend the idea: 
Purim as Yom haKippurim

Haman is the prosecutor in this and has decrees plotted against the Jews. Esther is fasting even though its a holiday when she is finally admitted into the Kings presence after 30 days of Elul that she was not called to come in. There is judgement from the king if you do wrong and our eyes look for the scepter of mercy to be streched out to us. 

When Esther sits with the accuser and the king, who is the judge, that is when Esther truly reveals herself and national identity and becomes queen. In doing so, she reveals her royal lineage and the accuser can not stand in front of the kings favor for her. He tries to appeal to her by pointing out sin in front of the king, trying to "fall upon" the Queen but the king sees this is not who she is, it is not her evil but his. The evil inclination and it's offshoots are "hung" while the queen is given "half the kingdom". That is, the Jewish nation is "half the kingdom" represtenting divine rule on this earth, the the other "half the kingdom" is  the divine rule of the heavens.

After the decree is lifted we celebrate Sukkos, a holiday with feasts and freinds, giving to the poor.


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