The stars, with their greater sense of nullification, are closer to their source.
They are simply points (of Sa"g).
We are promised that we are like them.

The nations, who worship the sun and the moon, will be embarrassed in the time to come. So the sun and the moon puff themselves up, to say, I am not a puny star.

But the stars, come from the 12 tribes, the twelve constellations. The form the 12 diagonals of the three dimensional expanse of the cosmos. 

The stars get counted, 
if you can count them,
when you step outside of your astrology.

"He brings them all out in number, and call them all by name."
But we are "davar shebminyan" a produce sold by count and not by weight. A counted entity can not be nullified rather, you place it on the kings table.

When you lift up Bnei Yisrael to the head of all things and count them at the top.

Based on ideas from Ohr Hatorah Ki Tisa


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