Eisav and Yakov as the story of Rosh Hashana.

Yitzchok who's attribute corresponds with divine judgment, asks Eisav who is the accusing malach, the satan, that Yakov later grapples with, to go "fetch him" accusations as per wont of divine judgment.

Before Eisav can come back with these accusations, Yakov sneaks in to plead his case in front of the heavenly court. They see that even though his hands are of Eisav, his actions may be imperfect, his voice is of Yakov, he comes in with the sound of the shofar.

Yakov then receives the blessings for a good year and even the attribute of judgment, Yitzchok, has agreed to it. "Gam baruch Yihiyeh". When Eisav comes back and the accuser is allowed to speak again, Yakov "runs" to save himself. This represents the idea of Teshuva, making a concerted effort to quickly draw close through fasting and prayer. Yakov grapples with malach of Eisav and Yakov strides forth to meet Eisav's accusations, his full force of 400 men. "Becharbi uvekashti" with his sword and bow" translated as, "bezalusi uveba'usi", prayer and supplication.
Eisav and his accusations are separated from Yakov at Neila, after the scape goat, Yakovs mincha gift to Eisav. Eisav's then turns away from Yakov and, Yakov "nasah sukkosa", we prepare to rejoice in the holiday of Sukkos.
-from Raya Mehemna Parshas Emor on the mitzvah of shofar there is a custom to learn Rosh Hashana morning 


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