The 3 Chanuka miracles and Shma Yisrael

The miracle of winning the battle on the 24th of Kislev corresponds with the 24 letters of the pasuk "baruch shem", "yichuda tata", the lower level of unity. Where you recognize yourself as existing but recognize your subservience to the divine existence.

The miracle of finding the flask of oil on the 25th of Kislev corresponds to the 25 letters of the pasuk "Shma Yisrael", "yichuda ilah", the higher level of unity. When you so nullified you don't recognize your existence.

The miracle of the menorah lasting for 8 days that started on the 26th of Kislev corresponds with the gematria of Hashem's name. 

In particular, "Shem Havaya de'l'eyla" the higher level of Hashem's name. In the pasuk of Shma there are two names of Hashem. When we say "Hashem echad" it refers to the lower level, the name of Hashem as it is a source for creation. "Echad", is a "ches", gematria 8, for the 7 heavens and the earth, and a "daled", for the four directions. All ruled by the Alef, the ruler of the world (from the language like in "alufei Eisav"). This is like the level of the second miracle.

The first name of Hashem in the Pasuk Shma, "Hashem E-lokenu" corresponds with a level completely beyond the order of creation, the higer level of Shem Hashem, the miracle of oil burning for 8 days.


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