Some important halachos for Purim from the Kitzur.

If you only have a non kosher Megila or a Chumash you should not read along with the shliach tzibur. Even if you are able to concentrate while doing it, your reading may prevent someone else from hearing it properly.

Even though, in general, you're allowed to carry the Megila on Shabbos, when Purim falls on Motzei Shabbos (like this year) you should not bring the Megila to shul on Shabbos so you can use it after Shabbos, even if there is an eruv, as it preparing from Shabbos to the weekday. There are some who are more lenient about this, when in a difficult situation, especially if you read from the Megila on Shabbos.

If the shul doesn't have a Megila to read from or only a non kosher Megila, each person should read the Megila from the Chumash without a brocha snd if someone has a personal, non kosher Megila they can read to themselves from that, without a brocha.

We should not give mishloach manot to someone during their year of mourning. However, if someone does they are allowed to accept it. You are allowed to give to your rabbi during his year of mourning, since it's like paying back a debt.
