The nature of wild animals to attack the domesticated has a spiritual parallel.

The soul, in its burning desire to go upwards attacks the animalistic tendency towards the physical. The "...spirit of the animal that goes downwards towards the earth" of Kohelet.

It is considered an unusual attribute for a creation to attack another. But the reason that the lion, for example, attacks, is if there is something against its will or a threat. This awakens it's natural anger. The domestic animals have an opposite nature, to accept a yolk, forgoing its will.

Above, in describing the angels, "the lion on the right side", representing fiery love, is like the statement "bina liba" the "understanding of the heart". The judgments the mind cry foul that which it decrees as immoral. Hence, "dinin misarin minah", the hearts love, as binah, can be a source of potent righteous indignation (literally) and fierce retribution.

Ohr Hatorah vayechi shva esre shana


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