Gut voch. Tefila structure Shabbos pikins' from Lekutei torah bechukosai. 

1. The kevana we have davening IS the kevana of the mitzvos we do during the rest of the day. There is some connection between the kavana of davening (tzivisi -me'lashon tzavsa ve'chibur) and the kevana we have for birchas ha'mitzvos the rest of the day (es birchasi). So we are doresh "ve'tzivisi es birchasi" as, "the kevana of davening extends to the (birkas ha')mitzvos".

2.The emotional awakening of pesukei de'zimra is not ahava, rather a general arousal towards getlichkite that is meant as a cleansing process. The actual ahava occurs in krias shma


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