The yetzer hara as geothermal activity.

There are a few averot whose affect earns the term "as if you push the legs of the shchina". Thr idea is, since the "heavens are my throne and the earth is my footstool", the "legs" of the shchina represtent the divine presence that fills the earth. When one does this type of avera, such as, "transgressing a sin in private", itthe sentiment that Hashem is not here. You pushing away the "legs" of the divine presence from this space. Further, you could extend this idea of "push", the word "dochek", to mean "shove" or "kick". In so, causing the concept of the "foot" of the shchina to kick the ground, causing an earthquake. 

A further allegory is the the light of Hashem being "ohr" with the hidden presence being the yud inside the "avir" the air, the breath of divine life that pervades the earth. Since earthquakes are caused by geothermal heat causing air pressure to build under ground (and move tectonic plates etc), we can compare the fire of the bad inclination to the heat that causes the divine concept of "air" (avir-yud) to ascend and be removed upwards, causing the "air" pressure that leads to the earthquake.


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