Sources for 'tapuach' as an esrog.

The Tzemach Tzedek, in his haga'os on Eleh Toldos Noach in Ohr Hatorah, brings down Targum in Shir Hashirim as a proof for this idea as well as Tosfos Shabbos 88A. The Sforno Malbim and Ralbag bring the idea of taste and smell as well, giving a nod to this perush of Chazal here of an Esrog being the tzadik with both Torah learning and good deeds.

The Targum translates as:
"Just is the Esrog is beautiful and praised amongst the non-fruit-bearing trees..."

The Tosfos relates:
(On the Gemaras statement that Israel, who said 'naseh' before 'nishma' is compared to a 'tapuach') "Whose fruit is before it's leaves". Rabenu Tam asks that we see apples grow just as other fruit trees. He explains that 'tapuach' here refers to the Esrog and brings the Targum as well but wonders why the Gemara brings the pasuk 'ketapuach' which refers to Hashem, while the verse "the smell of your mouth is of tapuchim" would fit better etc.

Yalkut Shimoni equates the 'tapuach' to anezov, though small  enough to give merit for redemption, juxtaposed to the lulav that is 'worth' more, how much more so should be its merit. This implies the tapuach, as in context with, the esrog and lulav. 'Tapuchin' is also translated by Yalkut as 'Tzadikim'.

The Rokeach states it clearly as well, adding that 'betzilo chimadeti' - 'in his shade I delighted' refers to the sukkah while, 'upiryo matok lechiki' - 'it's fruit is sweet to my palate', refers to esrog. Then he points out that 'matok lechiki' is gematria "ha'esrog" while 'lechiki' is gematria 'lulav'.


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