Some Esther/Yossef parralels.

Yossef was second in command, chosen by the king and Esther was too.

Yossef saves the life of the country, Esther saved the life of the country.

Yossef was beautiful and so was Esther.

Paroh wanted to kill all the Jews, Haman wanted to kill all the Jews. 

Esther's feast for Achashverosh and haman was on Pesach, Yossef's brother's sold him and sat down to eat matza Pesach. 

Yossef's brothers ate a meal in their sin of selling Yossef, the Jewish people ate a sinful meal of Achashverosh that lead to the taking of Esther by Achashverosh.

Yossef hid from his brothers and Esther hid her identity. 

We were redeemed from Egypt in the merit of righteous women. Esther, a righteous women redeemed us on Purim.

The baker was hanged in the story of Yossef, Haman was hanged in the story of Purim.

The Jews took loot from the Egyptians but did not take loot in the story of Purim.

Yossef was from Rachel and had a mishkan built in his portion, Esther was from Rachel (Shevet Binyamin) and had the Mikdash built in his portion. She also gave birth to Daryavesh who gave permission to rebuild the Temple.

Yossef faced off with Yehudah for the sake of brother Binyamin. The house of Shaul (Binyamin) faced of with the house of Yehudah for the sake of the kingdom. Later splitting off into thr Kingdom of Ephraim.

Yossef was tested but did not sin with Potiphar's wife. Then had children with her daughter. Esther did not sin with Achashverosh since she was forcibly taken. Then she had Daryavesh with him. (Maybe this ones a stretch...)

I'm sure there are more. Maybe you can think of some.

Thanks goes to R' N. Levine for introducing me to this Parallel.

There is another connection between Yosef, the dreamer, and Esther since it says "ben porat Yosef, ben porat alei ayin", chazal tranlate as  "Yosef is as a son who reaches beyond the evil eye". That his dwelling amongst the Egyptians and the plotting of even his brothers can't effect him. Similarly Esther is hidden also as a protection, the evil eye can't see her...


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