The natural "frumkiet" of the soul, the (sixth) "sense" of Chassidus the soul has and Chassidus as tea "essence".

When the soul is aroused by the initial understanding of an explanation in Chassidus, people are mistaken in assuming that it is only an intellectual arousal and has no divinity in it. They therefore don't want it at all and even revile it. However, this arousal is not in the category of a divine intellectual arousal, rather a natural instinctual arousal,set within the nature of the divine soul in Israel, aroused by the divine for no apparent reason. 

This is an expression of the lowest level of the soul, of the five: Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chaya and Yechida. This level the the lowest (katnus) of the level of Nefesh. This level is known as the "natural frumkiet" of the soul. 

However, this that you feel the divine within that idea is the souls "sense" ("chush") of Chassidus, the essence of that idea. Just as one might make an essence of liquid (like tea) that you will use for many cups, so too this essence is the point where all of explanation will come from ("chomer hi'yuli, pashut")

Mittler Rebbe Kuntres Ha'hispalus


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