"Tipol aleihem eimasa ... mikdash Hashem konenu yadecha"
"Fall upon them fear ...the sanctuary of Hashem your hands establish."

If we would have conquered the land of Israel peacefully, just as the Girgash left because of the fear that fell upon them, we would have merited to have the temple built right away. Just as David did not merit to build the temple since he had killed in battle, even though it was sanctioned by the Sanhedrin (this is the meaning of the verse that David was "admoni" -ruddy, because of his blood shed, but "im yefei eynayim" -beautiful eyes" since the Sanhedrin are the "eyes" of the congregation.
Teshuva 1 of Chasam Sofer al haTorah

Im kemo hagirgashi az mikdash
Im lav 400 years
Mitzvah of makeh. Knanim built them but a bayis chadash you might want to rely in emunah and Hashem. Ki yipol hanofel, sombody else chayav might full and you would be a gram
Teshuva 1 Chasam Sofer al Hatorah


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