Meaning of the term "Tzimtzum".

I usually translate "tzimtzum" as "contraction" but here is a more accurate and precise definition of the term.

In Aruch (an authoritative dictionary of chazals terminoligy etc) it defines tzimtzum as "not allowing something to spread out and to keep it in one spot." The Aramaic translation for when Rivkah wrapped herself in her scarf upon seeing Yitzchok is, "unsivas redida ve'itztzamtzamas bah", using the term "tzimtzum" to express how she did not allow the light of her countenance to spread, to see and be seen, to confine it to one space." 

So this is the expression than that Hashirim was "tzimtzem" the Schina between the two staves of the ark. This the meaning of the verse "vegam ata tadin es beisi", you will also judge my house, the judgment referring to this tzimtzum in the beis hamikdash.

The divine soul as it rests in the animal soul is an expression of this idea since the Torah states, "ve'shochanti be'socham", I will dwell amongst you, and not necessarily in the mishkan or temple.

Similarly you have the concept of "nekuda be'heichalo", the point in its palace, referring to the seminal point of wisdom as it dwells in the broader understanding. The yud of Hashem's name inside the hey.

The  Rama"z brings in a note in the beginning of Otzros Chayim that the word "tzimtzem", spelled as "tzadi mem tzadi mem", in At'Bash is the word "yihiyeh" from, "bayom hahu yihiye", on that day (Hashem will be one and his name will be one). Since the "vov" of Hashem's name will be changed to a Yud, while the same ein sof as it is revealed in the higher world of Atzilus will shine into the lower worlds in the same way, through the "tzimtzum" of the yud.

From the Tzemach Tzedek Ohr Hatorah Biur Ve'nosati lecha mehalchim (haftora Chanuka)


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