I learned this morning that the sixth day of sivan (giving of the Torah) and the sixth day of creation (Rosh Hashana) are connected. Sheshonim. Shoshanim
Reasoning behind אותו ואת בנו
ב''ה The reason that an אונן who lost their mother or father is not obligated in מצות until they are buried is that the child has a little of the the soul of their parents in them. When the parent dies a part of the child also dies. When a person is dead, they are free from מצות, 'במתים חפשי'. Similarly, when an animal loses its parent it is part dead, treifa, therefore it is forbidden to slaughter it the same day as its mother. It would not be a kosher Shechita. From תפארת יונתן פ' אמור
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