The mittler Rebbe was allowed to say chassidus while imprisoned and davened with the chassidim in the jails' courtyard. He said the mamer "Ata Echad" explaining the nusach of mincha according to a unique chassidic explanation, different than the Arizal. Also, uniquely, he said the mamer before mincha, differing from the minhag to say chassidus after mincha on Shabbos. The Rebbe explains that in this case it is different since it was a preparation for and about the mincha itself and connected with the proclamation of his release that he received then. 

The mamer is in the Mamorei Admor Ha'emtzai Kuntraysim and all are encouraged to learn it lekavod the tremendous Yuntif that's on this Shabbos. 

Also encouraged is  limud of "Bahd Kodesh", a letter to the Kaiser, explaining, according to chassidus, how the kingship below, being in a likeness of the kingship above, could not contradict it. Therefore, he explains, that all charges (that the charity he collected was for personal gain etc) will be dropped against him. (They eventually were but, unfortunately, only after the Hillula the next year).


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