The Greeks opposed "chukei retzonecha", "the statutes of your will". 

What this means is, first of all, that they did not appose the mitzvos that everyone agrees make sense, such as don't kill and don't steal, the "mishpatim". 

They did not appose the "edus" either. Mitzvos that you first need to explain, but then they make sense like, if a miracle happens to you it makes sense to celebrate it, such as on the holiday of Passover. 

It was specifically the mitzvos that don't have an explanation and we are told "you must accept it as divine command, you have no permission to question it". The divine will of the mitzvos. In this category as well, the Greeks did not appose completely. Intelligence admits that there are certain things, certain ideas beyond its understanding. 

Even if you believe that intelligence is limitless in its capacity, it still must admit that there are certain things that it does not understand yet! The truth is however that intellect is finite. Thus, the Greeks understood that there could be certain mitzvos that ate beyond intellect. 

What the Greeks truly apposed, then, was the divinity of these mitzvos beyond intellect. The category of chukim known as, "chukei retzonecha". Beyond intellect, but only where it is actually evident that you are doing it solely for divine will.

From Toras Menachem Al Hanisim 5729 Va'al Hanisim


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