This weeks Torah portion states, "When go out upon your enemies to battle".

How is it possible to force our bad inclination to listen to our good inclination? What advantage does it have? The answer is we do have an innate advantage hinted to by the phrasing in the posuk, "al oyvecha", "upon/over your enemies", meaning we go out with an advantage "over" them fron the get go.

The advantage is the source of our divine soul, "Yisrael rose in divine thought". Before the order of creation there is no apposing concept. You can only applies the rule, of "E-lokim created an opposite to each thing" after "each thing" was already created. Before creation however, Yisrael exists as unapposable. This unassailable state is what we reach for and reveal through our prayer. Against this, our bad inclination has no power and it also succumbs to feelings of love for the  infinite. (The level of the first thought of A"K, like the concept of, "there is no concept of the 'left side' in Atik)

This is also the concept of the "sulam", the allegorical "ladder" of prayer. We ascend upwards to the source of our soul so we can say Shma, "bechol levavcha, b'shnei yetzarecha", "whith all of your heart(s), with your two inclinations".

How can the soul ascend from this world back to its very source beyond creation, from the bottom of existence to the very top, in so short a time and effort as one Tefila is? 
Rather, this is actually why Tefila is compared to a ladder, the you can climb up directly, the ground level, "mutzav artza", to the highest height, "magia hashamayma". (As "raglei yosher de'AK" reach all the to the bottom of Asiya, unaffected by the parsa'os or seder amidas ha'olamos).

-Taken from the first "bachodesh ha'shvi'i" in Or Hatorah


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