39 lashes,
39 curses in mishne Torah sefer Devarim,
לט means curse but 39 is also gematria טל, the dew that revives the dead.

The lashes are 40 minus one,
It says "melacha" 40 times in Torah but one doesn't count: "ויבא הביתה לעשו" - Yosef came home to do his "work,"
So there are 39 forbidden acts on Shabbos.
(It's a language of תשמיש therefore the עונה of talmidei chachamim is from Shabbos to Shabbos, since this malacha is the 40th)

And Yitzchak was 40 years old when he married Rivkah,
Against Eisav who married when he was 40,
40 days to form the embryo in the womb.

40 days that Moshe stood in supplication on the mountain,
40 days of divine will when he went up a second time until the forgiveness of Yom Kippur.
40 when the 4 yod's of Shem ע״ב are opened up for divine flow.

But 40 se'ah in a mikvah,
39 letters in ע״ב ס״ג מ״ה ב״ן,
But in an עת רצון, the name ב״ן gets an extra alef in the וא״ו to make it 40.

Based on the explanation in Ohr Hatorah on the medrash on this weeks parsha on 
דברים 1 הדברים 2 אלה 36 הדברים = 39


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