קנה *4 חסד גבורה קרום לבן אדום יש-יש-כתר
אחת ואחת מטבעות עתיק אין אריך
פרצוף אין חכמה נכלל באריך בינה דכחדה שריין

Kaneh Chochma Kaneh bina of partzuf arich correspond with the pipes kaneh (trachea) and veshet (esophagus).
Each one is composed of two actualy. 
With the kaneh having two white krums (skin layers) and the veshet having one white and one red.
The two white are because, both the chesed (kindess) as well as the gevurah (strictness) in Chochma are chasadim as it is in arich.
The Veshet has one red since 'dinin misarin minah' - strictness are awakened from it, 
but the other krum is white since, in its source in arich there is no actual gevurah, only chasadim peshutim.
So, each two kanehs is gematria shay - 310. Together (4 kaneh) is gematria keser - 620


An allegory to understand the counting of "Achas. Achas Ve'achas" - "one. one and one." of the Cohen Gadol on yom Kippur.
Say you have coins you are counting of different demoninations. A Dinar a Selah a pundyon maybe and some shekalim.
You don't count them all together, rather, you'll count: 
One Dinar, One Selah One Pundyon and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven Shekels.
Kabbalisticly this corresponds with the Partzuf Atik (keser of keser), which, in level, is beyond all the other partzufim.
So you count, "one". 
Then you count partzuf ayin and arich which correspond to chochma and binah (of keser) that always dwell together (ke'chada sharyan).
So you count, "one and one".
Then you count the chochma and binah on their own, as they are revealed downwards from arich.
So you count, "one and two".
Then you count the source of the three midos (chesed, gevurah, tiferes) in keser.
So you count, "one and three".
Then you count the source of the four lower midos (netzach, hod, yesod, malchus).
So you count, "one and four".
Then you count the five kindesses revealed from arich as they go to yesod (chesed, gevurah, tiferes, netzach, hod). 
So you count, "one and five".
Then you count yesod itself, which is the sixth midah.
So you count, "one and six".
Then you count arich as it gives to malchus the seventh midah.
So you count "one and seven".


The reason partzuf ayin is usually not mentioned in kisvei Ari is because 
the partzuf ('binah' of keser) is included in, and united with partzuf arich ('chochma' of keser),
that are always united 'ke'chada sharyan'.

- from Sharei Gan Eden


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