Pesach is the diametric opposite to Tisha B'Av. 

Pesach we are redeemed with supernal kindness, chesed, while Tisha B'Av was supernal judgment, gevurah. However, it is the kindness within judgment, to return us to doing good. From the great depth of love for us, the divine boundry of divine kindness is pushed aside in order to be strict, for our benefit.

Therefore, the last house (the future Temple) will be greater than the first, since this is coming from the very depth of love, revealed when the judgment is over. 

This is the revelation of the divine crown of kingship that will be revealed in the time to come, higher than the level of wisdom revealed when we left Egypt. Thus it says, "I will flip their morning to joy", since the essence of the judgment is actually deeper divine kindness. 

From הרוני לענה - "you have sated me with bitterness" it will change the order of the letters to כוסי רויה - my cup overflows with blessing. 

Now Pesach is called "the first one", as it says in Gemara Pesachim, "In the merit of the 'firsts' (we left Mitzrayim). One of the 'firsts' is the Temple - מראשון מקום מקדשנו. Thus, the rebuilding of the Temple of Tisha B'Av, the "last one" is greater than the "first" one of Pesach.

Ohr Hatorah Eicha


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