The salty soul of the earth

On all your sacrifices should add salt - "be'chol korbancha takriv melach"

Chassidus translates korban as "drawing close" and salt as that which divides, separates out the bad (like the blood from meat) and adds flavor.

So read: when ever you draw closer to the divine make sure to pull out ones personal interests (the "blood") and do it selflessly. When your learning or davening, it should not be your own personal benefit but, with a true nullification and attachment. 

Similarly, salt is "bris E-lokecha" a covenant, meaning forever, at all times, one should recognize the divine, just as salt doesn't decay. E-lokim is gematria  "ha'teva" - nature. Hateva is also from the language "tuvu be'yam suf" - swallowed and sunk in the sea of reeds. One can get sucked in to the natural order of things to the point where you are blind to the divine. You must, like salt,  pull oneself out of that to a higher perspective. The two parts of the name E-lokim are "eleh" - meaning "these" in front of you, direct recognition of the divine in front of you, and "yam". Yam is the covered sea, concealment, or "mi", "who" the unknown. One must use "salt" to separate and discern the revealed divine from the hidden. A covenant to recognize that wich is beyond within the natural order.

Just as the land was placed on top of the water, even though the natural order would be for the water to cover the earth completely divine will was for the earth to be on top of the water, "leroka ha'aretz al ha'mayim". This, so the salty water to be sweetened as it courses through the veins of the earth. So too, the divine soul, a substance that, like salt, will continue to last, will be sweeted by its enclothment in the earthiness of the physical body, which, in the "natural" order, should have been placed below the divine soul, not encompassing it. 

-previous Rebbe
Pada beshalom, 12 Tamuz 5709


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