The two birds of the metzorah correspond to Lavan's two daughters, שאת is the opposite of Leah, bad thought, and בהרת  is the opposite of Rachel, bad speach.

The two birds also correspond to wisdom and understanding, חכמה ובינה. About, wisdom it says ימותו ולא בחכמה, "death is without wisdom". Therefore, the bird that is understanding, בינה, is slaughtered, while the bird of wisdom stays alive and is set free.

The Bechaye compares the bird you send away to the שעיר המשתלח, the scapegoat. So, just as on Yom Kippur you have a goat that is offered to Hashem and a goat that is to appease the accuser, so too you have the slaughtered bird and the one sent to the field. Bith are necessary for atonement.

This that the field is a concept of the ס״א, the side opposite holiness, can be recognized from the verses, ויבא עשו מן השדה "Esav came in from the field" and ויהי בהיותם בשדה "and it was when they [Kayin and Hevel] were in the field.


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