Today 23rd of Tammuz, is the Hillula of the Rama"k z"l

Here us a quote from him that reminds me of the different levels of eating in the mamer I learned last week: the shulchan, the mizbeach, Yom Kippur, Gan Eden, feast of Olam haba.


"In terms of ethereal sustenance, there is the mun that was completely swallowed by the limbs. 

A more ethereal sustenance is the bread of the  ministering angels that Moshe was sustained with for 40 days and nights on the mountain, לחם אבירים אכל איש.

A more ethereal level is the food and sustenance of the supernal throne.

A higher level than that is the sustenance if the Sefiros and there are other levels as well...

This is the concept of the "dew" that drips from Atik. It is a concept of the "thickening" of the light just as the water condenses to to form clouds and (as Zeir Anpin who receives this "dew" upon it, is termed, "the heavens") and as the clouds condense to form rain drops etc."

Shiur Komah of the Rama"k chapter 32


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